“Time Travel Tunnel” Experiment & the Ancient Extraterrestrial Battle for Earth Переведено

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@ZoharStarGateTV - Was a secret experiment in Time Travel accomplished in the 1940? and is there an ancient extraterrestrial battle for Earth taking place? These are just a few of the questions put to the guests of UFOAZ. If just one of these incidents are true, then the implications for us and our planet are hugely significant. What do you think?
Ted Loman’s Classic archived show from UFOAZ featuring Al Bielek & John Covern.

Editor’s Note; Due to the age of the video, the audio quality is not of the standard considered as acceptable for streaming.

This video features a promotional trailer for Gaia's Cosmic Disclosure Series - look in the comment section for more from @GaiaVideo and their enormous library of non-mainstream media!

All content on this channel is licensed, and or produced by Zohar Entertainment Group/Awakening Expo/Phenomena Magazine.