Nacht Waffen Pilot Grail Line 26 Feb 2022 Переведено

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Doris Neely, retired CIA Archivist, joined me for this session. That was a pleasant surprise. We talked about the fire at her house while I was in surgery, we talked about that me being from this family was the profile that the OSS was looking for, for assets for their space related black ops. That skin color counted a lot less than 'having the right genetics'.

We discussed the symbols used in the cover pic, and why they apply to this family. And why my necklace I sometimes wear is related to this family.

We tracked through some of my mother's ancestry in this episode. Talked about some of the individuals, who they were, what they did. I didn't sugar-coat. Later on, my Producer Darrell asked how far back these records actually went and I tracked the ancestry of Yosef of Arimathea, ancestor to Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. We followed it back to Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, but the trail went further.

I did not want to make this 'all about me'--it is all about the people who are kidnapped as children for slavery in black ops. And WHY they are chosen. This is pure hell for the individuals involved.

I want to make it clear--I do not consider that being related to these people makes me 'better' than anyone else. I'm still a disabled elder who was kidnapped as a child and used as slave labor in many black ops. I am exposing that practice as the crime it is.

But a lot of people have panicked at me, wondering if they were at risk. If you are not related to the Merovingians, if you are past 20 years old, you are probably safe. But a lot of the people who are taken only have one grandparent who was from this family line. So, I am giving you the tools to find out for yourselves.

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The song at the beginning is used with permission from Pyramids On Mars. It is called "Nacht Waffen" and is from the album "Edge Of The Black" was out on Christmas 2019.
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