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This is the final and one of the most fascinating and comprehensive interviews of the series, where Penny talks about:
- the two main story versions of how the black goo came to be;
- how every human being on Earth is a hybrid of at least one ET race;
- the literal translation of the Book of Genesis and its implications;
- the references to the 'black goo' in the history of the occult orders of Earth;
- the effects of the black goo, its military and possibly spiritual applications;
- why the Vatican wants to suppress the true story of the human origin;
- the extraterrestrial genetic background of the European royalty;
- the black goo as part of the initiation into the Order of the Black Sun;
- what happens to a person after ingesting the black goo;
- the German culture in space, the ancestor honoring and the mystic rituals;
- the Anunnaki race ( Zha.a.mi ) and their genetics in humans;
- if the Germans in space still consider themselves the higher race;
- the real reason why the Germans in space only allow their countrymen into the higher ranks;
- what was behind the inquisition movement: the little known facts;
- who are the 'vampires' of today;
And many more!

Penny on some ET races:

The Zha.a.mi [aka Anunnaki or Tall Whites] are allied with the Americans. They look like 9 to 12 ft tall albino Vikings. They are recorded in our history as doing horrific things to humanity, over and over. And yet they are generally worshiped as gods by our people. YHVH from the Bible is Enlil, Allah is Nannar.

The Draco Empire have never done us harm as a people, and we get our reptilian brain stem and sex hormones from them. They look like humanoid dragons, and our people fear and loathe them because of religion. There are individuals who have done harm, but only through free will interactions. The Empire protects us from invasions in fact.

The Zetas view us as animals to use in their biology experiments and are using our DNA to solve their reproduction issues. But most people seem to think they are cool.

Tau Cetians have a relationship with the Russian Federation. They are basically humans with 'dog ears' and advanced tech.

This video was made for…