"Such Is The Mystery" - Slideshow

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This slide-show is based on the John Dawson Read hit. Playin' guitar and singing - Yury Lyr

Such is the MYSTERY

Let the day fall all around you
And let the breath of life surround you...
What a day... it should be a holiday...
And these lazy days are hard to come by
Here for our pleasure, a moment to treasure...
Stay with me and lend me your company...

For you, you show to me
All the world gives for free,
And there's no more that a man can ever ask for;
And if we, we could see half He gave us to see
Then we'd be half way to finding the answer.

So where will all the seasons go
It's for us to ask, it's for Him to know
It's too much for me, for such is the mystery...
And all these things we take for granted...
But how did they get here, when were they planted?
If we could see, then what would the answer be?

For you, you show to me
All the world gives for free,
And there's no more that a man can ever ask for;
And if we, we could be half He wants us to be
Then we'd be half way to finding the answer.

Today we'll see butterfly
And we'll smell the grass and we'll feel the sky...
Oh what a day, let no one take this away.
But I will live my life forever, asking the questions
But answers will never come to me,
For such is the mystery.

For you, you show to me
All the world gives for free,
And there's no more that a man can ever ask for;
And if we, we could be half He wants us to be
Then we'd be half way to finding the answer.